Monday, July 26, 2010

Awkward Top 10

I have been away from home visiting friends and family for several weeks and have found a new way to entertain myself. I have become addicted to a website called One night I sat in the living room at my moms house laughing so hard I almost peed on my moms couch (which I haven't done for may years, so THAT would be awkward). I decided to compile a list of my favorite awkward family photos. Some of you may find a few of these images a bit familiar.

#10- Awkward Bros
This is what happens when you don't call your friends to tell them what you are wearing and you show up in the EXACT same outfit

#9- Drinking & Driving
bad mommy...bad, bad mommy

#8- The Over Zealous Birthday Party Guest
...Cora takes her parties very seriously

#7- The Licker
Mariah enjoys the taste of babies as well as the was a good year for both wine and infants

#6- The Gnome
when dad's good fashion intentions go bad

#5- Star Wars Convention
The inevitable light saber up the happens every year...

#4- Seriously, Mom!!!
I don't know why moms think doing these things to their babies is so funny...but it really IS!

#3- The Motley Crew
Don't be fooled, they always look like this

#2- The Birth Plan
It will be interesting explaining to Quinn that our nephew, Joe, actually gave birth to him...

#1- Border Patrol
We always feel safe at Grampa's house!


  1. Oh man! It seriously took me a minute to realize that I actually KNOW most of these people! Thanks for sharing Gen and keep them coming - the birth of Quinn actually did make me pee! :)

  2. The point of Awkward Family Photos, ma'am, is to use FAMILY! Like, you know, AWKWARD PHOTOS OF YOU!! You'd better beware or retaliation will arrive in the form of my photo collection....

  3. Awww, Lyssa, The point is I consider you family. I thought you would be touched. I love every awkward moment we have shared!

  4. love it!!!!! thanks for not posting awhward pictures of me, im sure it is because i dont have any! hahahah ;)

  5. Uh oh, Mariah's hungry...lock up dem babies!

    And I am honored to be an honorary Kohler.
    I think.
