Friday, June 18, 2010

Still Kickin' in Cheyenne!

We are still kicking here in Wyoming! We are just over a third of the way funded for our mission to Ireland. Andy has accepted a job working for another pharmaceuticals company to keep us afloat in the meantime. This was not exactly the plan. We intended on relocating back to the other side of the great Mississippi, but you know how it goes...God had other plans. Andy actually tried not to get the job, he even told his boss our future plans to be in the mission field and that he may not be with the company long. No dice...they still wanted him. We are currently still working on selling our house and may have to move at some point to Casper WY for a short time. So this brings up an interesting point. Why is it that every place I swear I will never live, I end up living. When we lived in NY, I told Andy I will never live in Boise, ID and within 3 years we were there. On the way to Boise having never been west of Illinois, I said "at least we aren't moving to Cheyenne, WY", 10 years later here I sit in Cheyenne. I have been calling Casper "the armpit of Wyoming", and now...we may be moving there. Now I am about to have a panic attack because last year I was going on and on about never wanting to move to China. EGAD! Maybe I should start saying I never want to move back to Indiana, and we will magically end up there instead, but I am guessing reverse psychology doesn't work on God.

Tonight Andy and I went on a date and we got a new babysitter for Quinn for a couple hours. Emily is a great gal from the neighborhood that offered to sit to make a few extra dollars for the summer. She is an adorable 16year old that is very sweet and very responsible. What I need to mention about Emily is that she is about 6ft tall, blonde, cute as a button and works as a model in Denver. When she showed up at the door, Quinn was smitten. I think he actually pushed me out of the way to get to her. A transformation came over his face, his dimples became dimplier, his eyes had star shaped twinkles, and I thought I saw him trying to slick back his hair a bit and squeegee his eyebrows with his thumb and forefinger. Needless to say, he didn't even notice we left. When we got back Emily told us that he insisted that she put him in his jammies...come on, really?? When she left, Quinn ran to the door to open it for her, never taking his eyes off of her until she got home (she lives across the street) the entire time calling "Bye Ellie, bye Ellie" over and over. Sheesh.... Some of you out there have experienced Quinn's flirting first hand, it is something to see. You have seen the eye twinkle and the dimples he whips out like a switchblade so you know what I am talking about

So if you would, please take a moment to pray for Quinn and his parents that we will be well equipped for that magical time in his future called puberty. I can't talk about this anymore, I think I am going to be sick. I will leave you with this picture of "lady killer", please use it for inspiration as you pray for us.


  1. Gen, you are totally hilarious! I was giggling the whole time I was reading!

    My mom says that whenever we say "never" there is an angel sitting on a cloud somewhere writing it down. I don't know how accurate that is, but it does seem like using the word "never" is sure to backfire! Stephen had a bad experience working for a church a few years ago and said he would NEVER work for a church again. And yet now, he and I both work for a church and we are going to Italy to become church planters. *Sigh*...

    We're praying for you guys!

  2. You are so so funny!

  3. Well let me first say that I don't appreciate Quinny's infedelity to Sadie and I. If you could whip out our pictures and remind him that it is actually US that he is smitten with that would be great.

    Can't wait for Virginia!!! Two weeks!

  4. Laura and I just discovered this blog! So, yeah, we apparently copied you when we titled our blog, but not really because we didn't know about this blog and its title.

    Anyways, we really like the pictures on here! Very nice blog :)

  5. Reminds me a lot of my mom and dad. Mom would say, "Never there!" and Dad would say, "Of course not." And then that's where he would move us...

  6. Oh, and that puberty thing -- highly overrated. Just skip it.

  7. Ok, so I am smitten with that boy....He is undeniably one of the cutest little boys I have seen and far be it for me to say that poor Emily is only one of the beauties he will behold in his young life, but he will really only marry a woman like his mommy, so you can be happy about that. Glad to hear things are going well and that you are getting to practice your "surrender" to Wyoming and its armpits. Love you guys and miss you!

  8. Gen.. keep posting more often. i love your writing style, and that lady killer, well, Quinn is just easy on the eyes. (and NY ain't all that bad.. you always end up back here! lol)

  9. Had a great time talking with your amazing husband, Andy. He always makes me focus more on God and laugh a little more. Maybe you should say your are "never" moving to Swords, Ireland, and you'll be there within the year! You have an amazing family, and I know the people of Ireland are going to love you!
