On our way back to WY we ran into some trouble through Nebraska. We pulled off the highway to gas up and take Quinn to potty (again...) and noticed that the skies looked pretty black to the North. We were only about 100 miles from our hotel and this was our last stop. By the time we finished, the black sky was directly over us so we hurried back in the car and got back on the highway. As we were merging into traffic, we heard the tornado sirens going off all around us. We had to make a quick decision. We could either get back off the highway and hunker down until the storm passed or hightail it for the golf ball sized blue sky on the western horizon that we figured was about 20 miles away. We did what we Kohlers do, and hit the gas!
Andy said "I am going to keep my eye on that spot of blue sky and I need you to look to the north for funnel clouds." Every muscle and sphincter in my body tightened as I began my watch. Quinn didn't even notice...he was safe with mommy and daddy. There were layers of dark clouds overhead that were travelling in different directions. The trees and grass were being bent over by the wind to the SW but the low, dark clouds directly overhead were quickly travelling to the NE. Andy said "that is a recipe for disaster." We kept on heading for that ever growing blue ball of sky even though the wind was rocking our car. Finally there was a break in the sky, the big fluffy white clouds on the horizon were filtering beautiful sunbeams and the darkness was in the rear view mirror. We beat the storm.
When we made it to our hotel I got on the laptop and discovered that there had been tornadoes on 'INTERSTATE 80 BETWEEN MILE MARKERS 357 AND 364' which included the station at which we stopped for gas. It kind of knocked me back a bit when I realized that we just outran a tornado and I felt a sudden surge of gratefulness. Thank you, God!
This got me thinking about the storms we all face in life and how we deal with them.
One of our stops on our trip was to Michigan to visit our dear friends the Williams for a couple of days and see what life was like for them living and working at a Children's Home lovingly caring for 5 teen boys. They gave up everything including their home and possessions to relocate to an unfamiliar state far from home to serve God by being house parents for a gaggle of kids. We were excited to see them and share in their experience. The first night we were there we all gathered around a bonfire, had s'mores, talked, laughed and sang songs to God with the Williams family and their 5 boys. What a great night! It was apparent that even though they experienced plenty of ups and downs caring for teen boys, the Williams provided a safe, loving and Godly home for them. They loved the boys and the boys loved the Williams family. We were excited to see them and sample a bit of what their life was like. What we didn't know was that an unexpected storm was brewing in their life and we were going to be there when it hit.
The next day, the Williams family was fired from their job as house parents with no warning and no tact. The excuse given was cold, slanderous, heartless and unjust (in my opinion) and my suspicion is that the true reason was nothing more than a personality clash. Not only were the boys devastated, the Williams family found themselves in the eye of a serious storm. They were given mere days to pack up what little they still owned and leave the home they had created for the boys that needed and loved them. It was so unfair. It made me angry, sad and devastated for them. But one thing was true, this storm was bad and we needed to pitch in along side of their loving church family to help clean up the aftermath. I believe God designed our trip to fall when this happened. We love the Williams and were blessed to be there for them during their storm. While trying to grieve and deal with the betrayal they felt (not to mention the concern for the boys), they gathered their belongings with grace, held their heads high and moved on faithfully knowing that God still had their best in mind. They weathered their storm.
"He stilled the storm to a whisper; the waves of the sea were hushed." Psalm 107:29
Lets face it, storms suck. We all face them in our lives whether it be the loss of a job, loss of a loved one, tragedy, illness, or countless others. God never promises that we wont face storms, but through our faith in Jesus we can weather them. "Then he got into the boat and his disciples followed him. Suddenly a furious storm came up on the lake, so that the waves swept over the boat. But Jesus was sleeping. The disciples went and woke him, saying, “Lord, save us! We’re going to drown!”
He replied, “You of little faith, why are you so afraid?” Then he got up and rebuked the winds and the waves, and it was completely calm.
The men were amazed and asked, “What kind of man is this? Even the winds and the waves obey him!” -Matthew 8:23-27