Friday, October 2, 2009

Exit Summer Enter Fall

Summer is over and Fall has moved in. Here is a summer wrap-up video with highlights of some of our fun adventures. The video includes several cameos from the Williams family, since we spent most of our summer fun times with them. Turn up the volume and enjoy!
Since Andy's job is ending at the end of this month, I spent the last 2 weeks getting in as many Drs and dentist appointments as I could before our insurance runs out. My first one was the dreaded pelvic exam...always a favorite. Then on to my very first mammogram! It was as delightful as everyone says. The lady was very kind and gentle with me and told me when to stop the pressure as she flattened my boobs on a cold xray plate. She said I was a "real woman" because I let her smash them as far down as the machine would go. I just didn't want to be a wimp, but I am not sure if this was a good choice for me. When the test was over and the pressure was released, I pulled back away from the machine and I swear I had two flat crepes sticking out horizontally from my chest. I am still waiting for them to resume their natural shape. I really think bra shopping will be a nightmare if they don't. "Do you have something in a 38 double pancake?" Andy doesn't seem to mind, but he keeps craving maple syrup...
Next I had a series of standard blood tests and went through 2 techs to get the blood. Apparently all of my larger veins are deep in my arm, so they had to dig for them. Not fun. After that, something really scary happened. I got a call from the hospital and they called me back for a second round of mammograms. Terror! I was so nervous. It turns out that the first time you get one they are trying to establish a baseline that will be compared to all future mammograms. She informed me that they needed to get additional pictures and they would have to "spread me out more" . Seriously....they couldn't possibly spread any more. They said it was very typical to be called back on your first time. WISH I WOULD HAVE KNOWN THAT SOONER!!! Everything was fine and they didn't have to go to an ultra sound to see through the tissue.
My final visit was the dentist. I would rather have my boobs squished 10 times. I was really nervous because I have been a very bad girl and have not seen a dentist in over 13 years...yes 13, not 3! I was sure I had a mouth full of cavities, but much to my surprised they were so impressed with my oral hygiene that I finished my cleaning an hour early! I will never put it off that long again, but its good to know that I brush and floss with success. Or maybe its all the crisp apples I have been eating this Fall!!!!
Quinn is growing up and trying to say words. He can say several words that only we can understand along with bye bye, daddy, mama, baby, book, cup, all done, etc. The word we have been working on lately is "yes", but he says "ham" instead. I ask him if he wants a drink and he says "ham", are you hungry? "ham", do you want to play? "ham". Well...either he is afirming my suggestions, or he is craving pork. We have been praying with him at night before we put him to bed and tonight after our prayer he said "maaaaaaayyyymen". Awww, too sweet.